Friday, February 25, 2011

Today's Search: Kissing Ball

Many of my wedding industry peeps have heard the term "Kissing Ball". It's a small ball of flowers carried by a flower girl during the ceremony. Also known as "pomander ball". Here's an example:

Sweet, right?

 So, I'm searching around for a few images like this to show a client for examples. I got a few pics of sweet little girls, in little white know, family type goodness. Amongst them is this:

Good Lord! That's a surprise. Watch out grandma Edna, cuz you may get flower girls....and more.  I mean, does she look like she wanted to see boys kissing? If she did, she would have typed in "boys kissing".  Clearly there ARE balls involved.

Next up total weirdness.

What is she doing, you ask? Exactly what it looks like. Kissing the ceiling. Apparently, it's art. I don't get it. I think maybe this chick is due for an exorcism.

The following is for people with a strong stomach.

Clearly this person is giving a crafting tutorial. But who can pay attention when there is a finger tragedy going on? Is she just bendy? I don't know but I'm super scared of what her toes can do.

Anyone up for a game of catch? Play ball!

Mommy! Mommy! There's a half naked man in our field. Should I build a baseball field so he can play with his naked friends?

This one doesn't even need a comment. It really pitches itself...


Was this dude in "Moonraker"?

This St. Nick has some other ideas about kissing balls.


I'm thinking someone needs a little something removed.

If this is "Life", then I'm a little worried for that very petite, drugged person in the middle of this tranny frenzy.

 Dogs with medals + hula hoops= Animal humiliation.

Is this an ad for VD?
 Lady Gaga on a Tuesday afternoon....

I'll just leave these last two to your imagination.